Thursday, December 17, 2009
Transilwrap's Azuna 3D Printable Plastic
The Transilwrap Azuna 3D material can be printed UV and conventional offset, screen, and UV Digital.
If you would like to scehdule a consultation for a concept or potential artwork application, please contact us at 800-321-8544. We welcome any questions that you may have regarding this exciting new product, and about Transilwrap Plastics.
Be creative - The magic is in the plastic!
Friday, October 16, 2009
Transilwrap Announcement
Transilwrap and Azuna will promote and sell a line of recyclable clear polypropylene that provides unique three-dimensional special effects. These materials create an eye-grabbing visual for point-of-purchase, packaging, signage, ad inserts, direct mail, cards, publishing and other printed material.
Azuna has worked with some of the premier print providers in the U.S. to create imaginative marketing pieces for a wide variety of applications. This cooperative effort will make a new generation of materials available to Transilwrap's wide customer base as well as new printer clients.
Transilwrap brings almost 80 years of experience in the plastics and print industry along with its high-quality converting, distribution and dedicated sales force to further expand the opportunity of these unique products. "Transilwrap is thrilled to add the Azuna line of products to our portfolio of printable plastics," said Greg Carlin, national sales manager for the Print Division. "Our customers are continually looking for special effects and products that broaden the scope of traditional marketing and advertising."
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Peace, Love, and Groovy Plastics
How many of us can remember the 70's and what is was like?
Take a minute to reflect on this era, and think about all the creativity that was born from this generation. Play-Doh, Platform Shoes and Dingo Boots, Flower Power, Spirograph, Slip n' Slide, Disco Music, and the list goes on.
Products and brands of 30 years ago continue to be relaunched with todays marketing ideas.
Peformance Companies of Dallas, see that this movement is catching on, and have started the POP Revolution 2009 - Summer Bus Tour.
So,when Performance Companies and Inkjet International invited Transilwrap Company to turn back the hands of time, and join them for their fun filled day of education and inspiring new ideas for specialty in-store P.O.P., out-of-home, and new print media and technologies, we could not pass up such a great opportunity.
There will be lots of fun, good food, great music surrounding a day of inspiration of new products and ideas.
Make plans now to attend. The event is scheduled for August 19, 2009 - Dallas Tx.
If your interested in joining the POP Revolution 2009 Summer Bus Tour, and would like more information, please visit:
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Glen Ellyn Residents Support the Environment
GEL UPDATE: Glen Ellyn Residents Support the Environment at the 2009 Recycling Extravaganza | Glen Ellyn Life - Glen Ellyn News, Events, People and Stories
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Friday, June 5, 2009
Addicted to Plastics...
...Who isn't? Like most things, an addiction can be both good and bad and there is a very fine line between the two. Robert Palmer, for example, was Addicted to Love and most people probably found that to be ok(even if the video was just a little creepy). And I think many of our customers and end-users might have a healthy addiction to Printing on Plastic once they truly discover all the benefits - be it durability, printing quality and vibrancy or even the uniqueness that it can lend to one's marketing campaign.
But the title of this post is more focused on the negative connotations. I recently watched a documentary, with the same title (trailer attached), and have a couple of interesting, random tidbits that I thought worth sharing.
But it doesn't have to be all bad - if you'd like to learn more and have a open discussion with the ways that Transilwrap is addressing responsible solutions, please contact us and we'd be happy to show you the "Green" presentation that we've been developing.
Point #1 - The U.N. claims that there are 46,000 pieces of plastic in every square mile of the ocean.
Point #2 - In 1979, the U.S. produced more plastic than steel for the 1st time.
Point #3 - 10% of the oceans plastic comes from resin pellets. These pellets are often mistaken for fish eggs which get eaten by fish and those fish get eaten by bigger fish all the way until those fish end up on your plate at the very expensive birthday dinner you are at.
Point #4 - Those great looking recycling symbols that you see on every bottle....find out what they really mean by contacting us.
Point #5 - Denmark has the best record for recycling - with over 90% of plastic bottles being recovered. Why? Because they placed a cash value incentive on recycling.
Point #6 - How long has the notion of "green" been around? Even though its only really been in our lexicon for a few years, there has always been a few people a bit ahead of the curve. Take Henry Ford, for example, who built a soy bean car in 1941. How's that for innovation since everything else was likely rationed for the war effort.
UV Printing and the Environment
If you have an article or information relating to the plastic, printing and graphic industry that you would like for us to post on the Transilwrap Blog, please submit it to us for review.
This blog entry was submitted by Lori Cohen, Marketing Director at PAZAZZ Printing.
You may have heard that vegetable based inks and soy based inks are low in VOC's (Volatile Organic Compounds). But have you heard that UV inks contain NO VOC's at all, while delivering outstanding quality and unparalleled effects? For that reason and a few others, Pazazz has decided to go 100% UV on our KBA 56" 6-colour UV press. Below are a few reasons why you should try UV.
UV printing is a more environmentally friendly process then conventional printing. UV inks and coatings are completely solid and friendlier to the environment since they are free from VOC's and HAP's (Hazardous Airborne Particles). UV inks are fully recyclable. The UV printing process requires similar or lower electrical power than Infrared/Thermal Air systems. It yields less ink and washup waste than conventional print since there isn't any waste from incidental drying. As well, difficult print jobs that typically require two passes on the press are now achievable on the KBA 56" 6 colour UV press in one pass, utilizing half the energy.
Rapid curing and drying. UV inks cure instantaneously, meaning that products can be finished faster, enabling immediate throughput and fast turnaround, even on two-sided jobs. The ability to "lay down" layers of opaque white or metallic, and then print over it in a single pass, merely hints at the versatility of the UV process.
UV Ink has excellent colour value. In-line UV printing is known for the spectacular results it can achieve on difficult substrates. UV inks are an exceptionally good choice for four-colour process graphic printing on coated and uncoated stock as well as plastics including synthetic papers; static cling vinyl and lenticular, board, foil and flute. Conventional inks sink into uncoated stock and explode with dot gain, but UV inks are cured within one second on press so they don't have time to settle into the stock. Furthermore, mottled print appearance is eliminated which creates a more defined and vibrant color effect.
UV Coatings. You can UV coat an entire sheet or just a spot. The coating is a clear finish that reacts the way UV inks do when exposed to UV light, it cures very quickly and creates a high-gloss, ultra clear and wet-look finish. On top of that, there are endless coating special effects that can only be achieved with UV.
This is just a small sample of the benefits of UV printing.
Email us and we'll send you a BIG UV POSTER so you can see why we're so excited about UV!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Crossfit Plastics
The video attached, at first glance, may seem like there is no correlation between its topic and Printing on Plastic. But in fact it has several common denominators - the least of which is me. I've been taking one of their Starter courses for the last 6 weeks and have become hooked.
More important has been Crossfit's ability to educate, shape and motivate a series of exercises through a number of disciplines to help me improve my overall fitness. And while I've grunted and sweated my way through these classes, I've often gone to my happy "plastics" place where Transilwrap tries to follow the same pattern when it comes to working with our customers.
Our diversity, as a company and in the products we sell, allow us to tailor solutions to the project, application or problem that you may be having. Only instead of pushups, situps, kettle balls, deadlifts, pullups, and running, we bring in styrenes, vinyls, psa's, alloys, synthetic papers and a level of education and product knowledge that is unmatched to help you fit it to the discipline you need (litho, digital, web, screen).
We may not be able to help you burn calories like in the video but we can proudly show you things on plastic you haven't yet seen.
(Note - Crossfit Cleveland is one of many groups like it around the country. Check them out at or
Friday, May 1, 2009
Plastic and Technology
Friday, April 24, 2009
Earth Day
For someone from up North, traveling to Texas for a few days seemed like a good idea in April. Had some good meetings set up along with a great afternoon outside for an Earth Day celebration. What was intended as a simple way in the advertising community to promote Earth Day and the various works of companies to provide environmentally-friendly solutions ended up feeling like a couple of hours walking on the sun (thanks global warming).
One of Dallas' largest ad agencies threw a great party with food, drink, deejay and even one of the most bizzare Elvis impersonators I've ever seen on the top of a parking garage in 90 degree heat. Transilwrap was invited to join with one of our printing partners to help promote our Bio Plastics. And several other companies that we work closely with were in attendance also continuing to promote their programs and stewardship towards the environment. What impressed me the most though was the intention and outcome of this party.
The agency had each partner/company set up with a small booth so that their employees (designers, account executives, graphic artists and more) could mingle around to each group to learn more about their offerings and ways to incorporate it into their work. Brilliant! Someone out there remembers that work can be fun and educational, particularly in light of the bad news hitting us daily on the tv, radio and paper.
Showcasing the collective efforts of many in the community to underline the point that it takes all of us working together to design, supply and create meaningful, environmentally friendly solutions was a stroke of genius. It lead to some great conversations with new ideas being thrown around and renewed interests in our continuing promotion of smarter plastic choices.
And to think all it cost me was a sweat-stained suit and a sun burnt head. But then again, there are worse ways to spend your time promoting your products.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Vision over Visibility
I'd love to hear other ideas or strategies people have to step up to the challenge we are all facing. If you'd like to see what more Transilwrap is doing, contact us. You're already helping us achieve #5.
6 Ways for Printers to Flourish in Any Economy
by Margie Dana
Let's take a break from complaining about the recession and what it's doing to all of us. I'd like to offer six simple suggestions to help commercial printers break away from their competition and attract more business.
1. Don't sell; solve.
Every print project is serving a certain purpose. If your customer can help you understand the value of a print campaign and explain what it's meant to accomplish for the company, maybe you can make suggestions to get the job done better. . .more effectively for the customer. Show an interest in what led up to a print campaign. It may open up doors for you. Will every client be willing to have this conversation? Probably not, but many will.
2. Be relevant.
Know who your prospects and customers are. What businesses are they in? What challenges do they face? How can your services help them overcome these challenges?
3. Be innovative.
You must be different. There are approximately 30,000 commercial printing firms in the U.S. at this time (expect at least 1000 fewer next year). For the love of God, stop chanting "price, quality, service!" when asked what makes you different. If you can't articulate this, ask some good customers why they prefer to work with you.
4. Be sensitive to customers' budget issues.
Please don't fight me on this one. Budgets have been sliced and diced everywhere these days. It's not your customers' fault. They're performing their jobs in the best way they know how. They don't set the budgets, typically. They're playing the hands they've been dealt.
5. Be an educator in every way you can.
You know you've got it in you - I sure do. Without overhauling your entire web site, review the content and remove 2/3 of the promotional copy. Replace this with information that visitors can use. Articles, tips, a look at a brand new technology, ideas for making clients' projects "sing." You get the idea. Think about on-site sessions for a handful of clients (or more), good newsletters, social networking participation to keep in touch, email newsletters, and so on.
6. Be aware that new buyers need different information from experienced buyers. You probably have clients with years and years of experience - and others as fresh as the morning dew. Guess what? They need different information from printers. Does your site serve both markets? Do your promotional materials? These two groups have very different buying behaviors. How are you addressing them?
The old ways of selling print? Gone, baby, gone! Print manufacturers as well as print customers must evolve with current marketing preferences. Getting closer to customers to offer them solutions is one smart strategy.
©2009 Margie Dana. All rights reserved.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Printing on....Electronics?
Want to talk about ways in which we see how these new ideas and applications can grow and integrate with your existing P.O.P advertising? Imagine a plastic loyalty card in a consumers wallet, purse or on a key ring that has an RFID chip to alert the signage at your favorite retail store that you're nearby and displays a sale item on a flexible display based on your past purchasing. It may be closer than you think.
Just one of the many ideas that we're working on.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Courage and Plastics
"Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway". - John Wayne
I saw this quote at a recent trip to a restaurant in the middle of East Texas. When I say middle, I should emphasize "middle of no where." When a good friend of mine told me about the Sacred Spur Steak House, located at the corner of Hwy 1844 and Turkey Road in East Mountain Texas, my curiosity had the best of me. As my friends know, I love the not so ordinary places to dine, and this establishment was exactly that and then some. Great food, and the atmosphere is definitely "Texas".
So, your wondering how does this little steak house have anything to do with printing plastics. It serves as a reminder that if it were not for my friend telling me about this place, I would have never known of its existence. The same idea goes along with the customers we service. Are we informing our clients about new concepts and products? In todays business markets, it is probably more important now than ever to be in front of your customers with fresh ideas that will help them with their business plans going forward.
I had a customer tell me a few weeks ago that the "green movement" had stopped, and that their customers were just looking for materials that had the best price. That brought up the perfect opportunity to discuss our Green Line of plastic products, and also a brief summary of the presentation that Barry White and I gave at this years sold out 2009 Print UV Seminar in Las Vegas.
The "green movement" is just getting started, and is expected to produce several million jobs in the U.S. within the next 5-10 years. I included several pieces of information about how Transilwrap is informing and teaching our customers and end users about "green plastics"that are currently available to them. This presentation is a very non bias forum of important information surrounding this subject.
That conversation has since led to an invitation from this customer to give our presentation to their sales staff and customer service so that they are better informed about the materials that their customers are requesting to be printed on.
If you are interested in knowing more about Transilwrap's "Green Plastics" presentation, please email me at , You can also email me to request our brand new Bio ProPrint LP Album and Cover. A guaranteed conversation starter.
* Are you ready to brighten up your office and desk? Then order your free copy of "Future Classics on Plastics" today by emailing us with your address and contact information.
Problem Solving
- Albert Einstein
It seems that whenever things get difficult (and in this economy every day has its challenges) there tends to be too much emphasis on just maintaining the status quo. While that can't (and shouldn't) be relegated to the sidelines, it certainly should not take precedent over continuing to look for solutions to customers needs, ideas and wants.
At the end of the day, there is nothing better than working to find the right idea that can build something new. We spend quite a bit of our time here doing just that from the simple exercises of looking for alternative materials or down gauge opportunities based on material characteristics that better fit an application or the complex that involve creating a new composite material with multiple layers that fit into the card market, for example.
In these times of uncertainty, it is refreshing to start each day hoping to push beyond the conventional way of doing something and look for a new way. This is a great value of a company, one you can't easily articulate on a marketing piece, but comes through in the conversations and discussions that lead people to new horizons.
Printing on Plastics does not come easily but has rewards upon rewards if done correctly and with the guidance and assistance of those who truly enjoy solving problems and creating new.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
The Original Day of "Green"
Friday, March 13, 2009
Dare I say it...
Where, you ask, did this delusion of mine come from. Simple things, really, like walking into a customer and seeing the presses running (with plastic, of course), with people moving around their offices in a hurry, sitting in a roomful of sales people and listening to all the activity they are working on. On top of that, I've seen companies investing in new equipment and infrastructure and making bold plans for the next 12-24 months.
There are people and companies out there today doing their part and not putting their head in the sand and waiting till the storm passes. I'm glad to be a part of it and excited to see what comes.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Print UV 09
Transilwrap will be presenting a seminar titled "Green Plastics? Seriously!" that will educate the audience on the expanding universe of more environmentally friendly plastic film solutions including degradable and starch-based products as well as our biodegradable Styrene, Alloy and Proprint products.
We're looking forward to a great show and some good dialogue on Printing on Plastic with UV Printers from around the country.